
Death to prunes and didgeridoos


I have an issue living with people I was not birthed from, share the same genetic DNA with or wish I was genetically linked with. Until recently, meaning two months ago, I lived at home with my parents, my brother and my cat I have an allergic reaction to, Squid. It was great. From the waist down, I had the skin texture of a mutated kiwi. I didn’t shave my legs for months at a time and no one complained if they found hair in their food. I think my father preferred the fact that I cockblocked myself naturally and my mother appreciated the additional support of reliving her Woodstock days. It was delightful.

Now, the most crucial part of this was the fact I was allowed to be a free spirit, prance around my apartment with my mammoth like body fully exposed, receiving the appropriate ventilation to cool myself under my fur.

I was supported to fully let myself go.

But now, things are different. I live with two, sometimes three guys – the third one lives here occasionally when he’s done going through his phases of being in an existential crisis. My other two rooms include an Italian economist and a Belarussian sculptor.

The Belarussian sculptor spent one the New Year’s Eve of 2000 in deep meditation, where after he painted a self-portrait of himself, nude, in the traditional meditative pose. He does not have Facebook, but rather focuses his attention on playing his guitar and didgeridoo. Every morning, I walk into the kitchen where I see him sitting at the wooden table, drinking tea out of a bowl, scribbling down notes in a list formation. However, I have yet to see him cross anything out.

My Italian economist roommate started playing the guitar seven months ago and practices every day. Last week he bought a new electric guitar. Which he practices. Everyday. Cream-filled croissants make him feel good and a picture of Elvis hangs beside his bed. His dream is to work with wolves.

Since my roommate, the Belarussian, is health conscious, I decided to join him on a life of purity and tranquility. So, I bought prunes. I’m not really sure why I thought of prunes, maybe because old people eat them and I was constipated at that moment of this decision.

I should note that from here on, it’s basically a health and safety message regarding the dangerousness of prunes.

So, there I was, with a package of prunes. Unaware, I started eating them. One. Two. Three. Four. I was just mowing through this bag of prunes like they were chocolate covered almonds. These little guys were delicious, no wonder old people are all up on them.

Within minutes, my stomach started aching, gurgling noises I’ve never heard before were being produced from within.

The prunes. It was the prunes.

At this point, it was one of those moments where you’re pretty sure of what’s going to happen, like those moments when you’re dancing with a guy and he’s staring at you but you’re looking away because you know he’s going to try to kiss you the minute you make eye contact. It was that, but with the knowledge that you may shit your pants in a house of potentially new friends.

“Do you need the bathroom?” My roommate asks me while holding his towel.

I was silent, trying to evaluate the situation of my bowels. I gave myself a twenty-five-minute window of safety, he’ll be out of that bathroom in less than fifteen.

“No, I don’t need it. Enjoy your shower.” I replied.

I returned my attention back to the computer, casually googling, “how many prunes is too many?” The results were catastrophic. I overdosed on prunes.

New search, “What happens when you eat too many prunes”

Tragedy. Pure tragedy.

I closed my laptop and stared at the wall. The only thing I could do was wait.

My roommate came out of the bathroom, looking refreshed and hygienic.

He was slowly walking around the kitchen, you could tell he was finding something to do because he would just pick up a fork and put it down. Then, he would move the olive oil bottle from one side of the table to the other.

While watching him fumble around aimlessly, the grumbling in my stomach stopped. It was time.

I casually walk-ran to the bathroom. I tried to gently close the door behind me to go unnoticed but my right arm was in a panic, so I slammed it shut instead.

Now, usually, if I was at home, I wouldn’t care. Actually, I would have probably alerted my family members of the danger of prunes and loudly announced my entrance upon entering the bathroom. Instead, I was overly aware of the soundproofing issues of the new bathroom I had just locked myself into. This was an additional pressure that I couldn’t handle at the moment.

But then I heard the sound of the didgeridoo.

Usually, I would classify the didgeridoo as one of the most useless instruments created by man. I’m not sure who the fuck decided that a hollow stick would make for a pleasurable sound. Also, I’m skeptical of the people who aren’t Aboriginal, who decided to play the didgeridoo. Why.

The low bellowing sound filled the apartment. How long does one play the didgeridoo for? While my stomach turns, I look up to the sky. Is there enough time? Do guardian angels exist? (I would prefer if they didn’t, simply because I don’t need someone looking over me at this time with a bird’s eye view). After all this hate against this stick-like instrument, had the didgeridoo saved my reputation as a mysterious female? Where are the matches?

The meat market at the St. Valentine’s gym

All I know about this mythical day is that the day after is where I binge buy the 50% off chocolates. Why are they on sale? WHO CARES MOM, GRAB ‘EM BEFORE BARB FILLS UP HER CART.

Long story short: Valentine’s Day is bullshit.

Though, I feel like it will be filled with even more bullshit this year because I’ll be Italy for it. Yes, I know, we’ve been through this before, you’re thinking, but Natasha, Italy is the land of romance and heated sweaty passionate Italian succulent kisses.

Let me clarify- it’s the land of cheese, smoked pig flesh, wine, and hair gel. All which if ingested will slowly turn your body into a cottage cheese ball of sadness. Hence, why I am now dairy-free (I lied, it’s not by choice- dairy makes me gassy).

Traditionally, I spent my Valentine’s Day going to the gym. This tradition started not from my need to pull some sort of American success story where I worked out, suddenly grew a pair of tits where I then propelled my career as a motivational speaking and model, representing previously non-titted girls, where I vomit the phrase, “love yourself” onto my prepubescent audience.

I was an hormonally unbalanced teenager. I went to scope out the single testosterone filled mongoloids who stared at themselves in the mirror.

I believe this was where I originally started my career in scientific research.

See, I had discovered the trick was to go after 7:30 – 7:45 pm. If you went any earlier, many guys were squeezing in a workout before they ran to their local Safeway to buy the last overpriced dying bouquet of yellow roses because the red ones were already sold out. Yellow roses, symbolize friendship, don’t buy those unless you’re confirming a solid friend-zone relationship to a non-potential loved one.

So, by 8:00 pm, the only ones that were hanging out by the dumbells were the singles, my kinda people. My theory was genius. It was indestructible. But, there were two issues. The single chicks that were also at the gym had fat asses. I jump on that gravy train a little later in life – I started squatting yesterday. Also, my theory was only able to point out who was single. That was it. I just gained the knowledge of their martial status and held it close to my heart at night, just felt the warmth of knowing. I did attempt to apply this theory to real life and attempted to talk to one of my targets. I decided that the best option was to either look injured or drop a weight on the ground, forcing him to assist me.

I dropped the weight. He stared at me and walked by. But, he looked at me, so that was enough motivation to keep me going.

And every year since then, I went to the gym.

The end.

No, it doesn’t end there. There’s a non-climatic plot twist for this upcoming Valentine’s Day.

I don’t have a gym membership.

That time I got myself into a Tindr love triangle

Before I moved to Italy, my dad gave me his smartphone as a parting gift. Now, before that, I was using a late 90’s phone, which only allowed me to *69 and non-t9 texts. No one realizes my struggle.

My dad downloaded two apps for me: the emergency numbers for Italy and a map. Very practical. Too practical. So, I joined Tinder. I also joined Badoo, but then learned of its fuck-n-chuck social stance, so I swayed away and stuck to the app with a more solid reputation.

So, I started swiping. I was swiping left, swiping right, and sometimes, I would even throw in an accidental super like, which would give me sudden anxiety as I knew they would start a conversation with me. I spent my nights laying in bed, with my face brighten by Tinder, glaring at me, making me decide, making me swipe, contemplating super likes, contemplating which Tinder match would make a better life partner.

Then I arrived in Italy. I was ready. Did I have a place to live? Nope. I had Tinder, I didn’t need shelter.

On the first day in Italy, I was chatting to this guy named Peppe, or some shit. The conversation was dull as you would assume from someone named Peppe. But, we exchanged our facebooks, I knew it wasn’t going anywhere, but I wanted to creep.

Now, skip forward two months. I receive a facebook message from this girl, Giulia.

Giulia is a girl who gets straight to the point.

”Hello, I wanted to ask you how do you know Peppe”

”I kinda know him. I actually haven’t met him before.”

”How do you know him?”


” I don’t understand what mean tinder”

Oh, poor girl. This is where I knew, hearts were going to be broken, but as a fellow sister, I had to tell her.

”Ah, it’s an app/online dating app”


Now, I am usually very good at answering questions, but I didn’t know how to answer this. To be honest, when I read this, I got a little pissed. Why. BECAUSE I’M LONELY AND ADDICTED TO SWIPING, YOU BITCH.

” What do you mean why?”

”For what reason did you meet? I’m a friend.”

Okay, I have a very short temper, I realize that. And the only thing that can truly make me burst is when people think I’m beyond stupid. I mean, I usually give people the benefit of the doubt that they think I’m an idiot, which is fair, but pulling the friend card is useless at this point.

”I never met him”

”But what do you say?”

”Are you his girlfriend?”

This would have been a good time to confess and be open but Giulia is a sneaky one. For the simple fact that Peppe, who names their child that anyways, is insignificant to me.

”I am a normal person”


”That’s cool, I have no problem telling you but you’re not being honest with me.”

”You talk about many things?”

It’s time to get to the point.

”If he is your boyfriend, he is on a dating website, talking to girls. To meet them and see them”

”What are you asking?”

I slam my phone down on the table. I pick it up to check for scratches and over emotionally type back with a heavy breath.

”I just told you, what do you want from me. Are you his girlfriend or not?”

No reply. I then decide to message Peppe, lovely Peppe and inform him that some friend of his is messaging me. Read. No reply. While waiting, I crept his facebook and realized that they are both in the same band.

Gasp. Band breakup?

I continue to wait as I eat a bag of salted peanuts mixed with anxiety. Minutes pass while I contemplate if breaking up the band was a good idea.

”I am his girlfriend. I am not crazy”

The latter was an interesting point to make.

”No, you are not crazy”

There was a pause. She then asks me what she should do. For the rest of the night, me and Giulia contemplate about Peppe. Should she trust him? What about the band? What did he really do? Only Peppe knows. We finish our conversation with the realization that we’re both crazy.

For a moment, I thought I made a friend.